Opera Mobile Web Browser

Get a premium browsing experience with Opera Mobile. It is fast, smooth, and makes surfing the Web on a mobile device more fun and efficient than ever.

A refreshed user interface looks better with your device and gives Opera Mobile a sleek, modern appearance. Pinch zoom and smooth panning let you surf in a natural and intuitive way. You can also share web content with others on popular social networks.

Opera Mobile is the ultimate browser when connected over WiFi or wireless broadband.

Also check out Opera Mini, the fastest browser on Earth. Opera Mini compresses data up to 90% and is the best choice when using slower networks or paying per megabyte of data used.

Recent changes:
Fixed random failures of scrolling and clicking links
Fixed problem with battery usage while running in background
YouTube application will be invoked for YouTube content on devices without Flash
Additional improvements to trackball sensitivity
Fixes for Motorola Xoom
Adobe Flash support
Much faster and smoother panning and zooming
Improved text-wrap
Smart-tap for link click in overview zoom
Click-to-play, load Flash content on demand only
Session restore
Arabic ligatures

Latest version: 11.00.1103311355 (for all Android versions, supports App2SD)
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